Welcome to February. We hope your businesses are ramping up for a busy spring. We have many candidates to choose from, with an array of administration backgrounds. Our candidates are flexible and available to work from home, if needed.
Please meet our February Candidate.

Nicole Babstock
Administration Professional
My name is Nicole Babstock. I am a mother of four amazing children that are 17,15, 2 and recently turned 1. I love raising my family in Fort McMurray, it has become my home for the past 13 years. I moved here from Vancouver Island. I spend my spare time (what little I have, with a house full of kids) making crafts and reading true crime novels.
My work ethic does not allow me to do anything halfway. I maintain a positive outlook on everything that I do while looking for new learning opportunities. I thrive in fast paced settings where my administration skills are put to the test.
My past coworkers have described me as a friendly, humerous, driven, tenacious teamplayer.
To view Nicole's online profile, please click the link: https://woodbuffalostaffing.hiringplatform.com/p/xaVeBMB6xdRx/1751352-nicole-babstock
Are you looking for someone with a specific skill set?
We have many more great candidates in our database. We have administration professionals in Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Management, and Customer service.
Let us know what you are looking for and we will be happy to send more profiles your way!

Contact our Office for more details.
Jennifer Shiniman
phone: 780-790-2661 ext 1
email: wbtemps2@telus.net